Social media.
Let’s admit it's a love/hate relationship for most people these days. Our feeds are filled with news, advertisements, and what’s deemed relevant by the platform. These algorithms have an impact on what we ACTUALLY see.
A good friend of mine recently traveled overseas. I had no idea he was traveling and had missed out on some great stories that he had posted. He brought to my attention that I could actually subscribe to received notifications for when a user would post to their @Instagram story or share media on their feed.
Sure enough. There it was. I could actually take control of what I was seeing, or in this case missing, with my Instagram account.
So thank you, Ethan, for sharing this tip with me!
Subscribe to User Notifications
Use these steps to subscribe to your favorite Instagrammers. **NOTE: You must follow the user before you are able to subscribe to their posts.
Browse to the user that you wish to subscribe to notifications.
Select the ellipsis (3 dots) next to the user’s profile at the top of the page.

Next, select “Turn on Post Notifications” or “Turn on Story Notifications”.

To subscribe to both, repeat the above steps by selecting ellipsis and selecting the additional notification type.
#Instagram #instagrampost #instagramfeed #instagramstories #instagrammers #instalove #technologytutor #technology #blogger #bloggingtips #bloggerlife #bloggergettingsocial #ontheblog #tipsandtricks #thousandwords #instatechnology #instatech #instainformation #News #Education #Information #Follow #Share